Monday, July 22, 2024
1 – 2:15 PM
Opening Keynote
Tracks Covered: Prevention, Treatment, Trauma, Suicide, Peer Support Services, Workforce, CCBHC
Thriving in an Era of Change
This is a critical time in our field. Providers are navigating changing reimbursements structures, increased data demands, and new healthcare models that increasingly emphasize things like service integration, person-centered approaches, care coordination, and improved outcomes. From the provider perspective, many of these changes are occurring in the context of what seem to be shrinking resources and significant workforce shortages, making concerns about sustainability paramount.
While the current healthcare environment seems to present numerous challenges, it also offers amazing opportunities. Concepts of recovery are expanding beyond those that revolve around managing, reducing or eliminating symptoms. Instead, recovery is beginning to be embraced as a more holistic experience that involves thriving – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Even as we increasingly embrace these conceptual shifts, how do we tangibly move towards them and find the capacity to innovate?
Equipped with the right information, resources, and skills, providers can position themselves to thrive, improve outcomes, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs. In this high energy and inspiring keynote, Dr. Achara will support participants in thinking through what is needed for not only those they serve to flourish, but also themselves. She will share tangible, impactful examples that will help teams to operationalize recovery-oriented services, clarify their theory of change, and increase their impact.
Participants will leave with tangible takeaways to increase effectiveness with the people that they serve as well as a clearer sense of what they personally need to be their personal best and to lead high impact teams. The result? A lasting impact well after the conference is over.
2:15 – 2:30 PM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
2:30 – 3:30 PM
TRACK: Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Peer Support Services, CCBHC
The Dual Diagnosis Capability: Measuring Organizational Integration of Co-Occurring MH and SUD Treatment
This training event is designed for program and team leaders from agencies who are providing or are interested in providing or enhancing integrated services to persons with co-occurring disorders. A thorough and interactive review of the Dual Diagnosis Capability for Addiction Treatment (DDCAT) and Dual Diagnosis Capability for Mental Health Treatment (DDCMHT) assessments will provide ideas for how to succeed in this endeavor.
TRACK: Suicide | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Trauma, Peer Support Services, Workforce, CCBHC
Increasing Community Engagement
This presentation will focus on engaging for maximum impact rather than performance. The speaker will share tips on increasing community engagement, and overcoming the barriers that can arise. Additionally, he will share tips on how to think differently about natural resources already in existence within communities, and how to incorporate community-informed practices that are already known and trusted by the community.
3:30 – 3:45 PM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
3:45 – 4:45 PM
TRACK: Treatment/Recovery | Also Covers Following Tracks: Workforce, CCBHC
Stage-Wise Treatment: Matching Treatment Intervention to Readiness for Change
Traditionally, mental health and substance use treatment programs have expected people to adhere to a prescribed program or intervention for a particular problem. If the person is not ready to change or adhere to the program, they are told to come back when they are ready.
The Trans-theoretical (Stages of Change) Model offers an alternative philosophy and structure of treatment to this traditional method. It suggests that the most effective treatment approach for people with co-occurring disorders is that the BH treatment provider will partner with the person to identify how ready they are for a particular life change and match the most effective behavioral health treatment interventions to the person’s stage of readiness.
In this way, the person is encouraged to incrementally move toward their desired goals at a pace that increases the likelihood of success and reduces the chances of damaging the trusting relationship with the provider.
This workshop will illustrate the basic tenets of the SOC Model and offer suggestions for adjusting BH treatment to match the person’s readiness to change, in an effort to improve efficacy, capability and competence of providers in the provision of co-occurring treatment interventions.
TRACK: Workforce | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment/Recovery, Peer Support Services
Return on Investment
With the increased need for behavioral health services in our communities and simultaneous workforce shortages, investing in peer and other recovery support services is more critical than ever. In this presentation, Dr. Achara will discuss the benefits that recovery support services can yield for people with mental health and substance use conditions and for the systems and organizations that integrate these unique supports.
While many organizations are in the process of incorporating peer and other recovery support services, in many instances these supports remain siloed from the rest of the service system. Organizational leaders may have embraced the need for peer and other recovery supports, but may be unclear about how this should ideally be done. Dr. Achara will outline best practices to ensure that peer and other recovery support services have the maximum impact, by ensuring that they are fully integrated into the service continuum and into communities. This does not occur by merely adding them, but through intentional preparation, structuring, leadership, and partnerships.
Opportunities for increased innovation through leveraging technology and cross system partnerships that benefit youth and adults will also be explored.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Trauma, Peer Support Services, Workforce
Revolutionizing Behavioral Health Care: An Overview of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. The purpose of SAMHSA is to “lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery, while ensuring equitable access and better outcomes.”
Federal initiatives to support the prevention, treatment and recovery of Americans with mental disorders are spearheaded by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). In this session, the CMHS Director will give a national perspective of CCBHCs and how they are helping to revolutionize behavioral health care in the U.S. The discussion will include updates on the latest funding and expansion efforts.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
8:30 – 9:30 AM
TRACK: Trauma | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment/Recovery, Peer Support Services, CCBHC
Building Trauma-Informed Systems
Trauma is one of the most significant challenges to social support service systems. Neglect, abuse, and traumatic events cause insecure attachments, developmental delays, and very real physical and mental health consequences in individuals. And, when individuals are impacted on a grand scale, our communities, agencies, and systems suffer as well. Trauma-informed systems change gives us the knowledge, skills, and power we need to overcome trauma and create sustainable change.
As a foster care and juvenile justice survivor, the presenter speaks from a unique perspective, combining her lived experience and 20+ years of professional expertise as a trauma-informed systems change specialist.
TRACK: Peer-Support Services | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment/Recovery, Workforce, CCBHC
Expanding the Availability of Recovery Support Services – Including Peer Services
This presentation will examine how the history and philosophy of peer support services has shaped current mental health and substance use service delivery systems. The growth of peer-run and recovery community organizations in the changing health care environment are discussed, including issues related to workforce development, funding, relevant policies, and opportunities for expansion. These initiatives are designed to increase access to recovery-promoting services. There is abundant and growing literature illustrating how peer support services have become an integral component of behavioral health care systems in many states. Peer support services have the potential to increase access to recovery-oriented services for people with mental and substance use disorders served by the public behavioral health care system. Numerous initiatives in various states are being undertaken to build this workforce.
9:30 – 9:45 AM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
9:45 – 11:15 AM
TRACK: Trauma | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce, CCBHC
Breaking the Trauma Triangle Through Empowerment
Reenactments are one of the most common—and most commonly overlooked—signs of trauma. By learning how to recognize and escape reenactments, we gain the power to break toxic cycles and move forward with positive change, empowering ourselves and others. The presenter, a trauma-informed change specialist, will guide participants as they learn how to disengage from trauma brain, move out of the trauma triangle, and shift toward the empowerment triangle, gifting attendees with a powerful trauma-informed systems change tool they can take back to their agencies, communities, and homes.
TRACK: Suicide | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations In Addressing Suicide and Mental Health Issues
Faith-based organizations have traditionally been the “Gateway” to the Black Community. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss the why and the how in building relationships with the faith-based organizations as a way of improving access to mental health resources.
TRACK: Workforce (Ethics) | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Ethics in the Helping Profession
This session explores why good counselors go bad, why you shouldn’t use a stock tip you got from a client, and why dinner with your client’s cousin is a bad idea. It also reviews an ethical code, the importance of setting appropriate boundaries, and the basic ethical principles governing the helping professions.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Using Clinical Data to Drive Development of Programs and Clinicians
This presentation will focus on ways to use clinical data systems to tell the story of your evolving client population and community needs, and ways to modify your clinic’s service portfolio and clinician competencies to match changing service needs. The focus on clinical data systems will use examples from multiple Texas service agencies to highlight key principles and actionable techniques. Discussion of current trends in the needs of Texas mental health consumers will be incorporated to facilitate active learning. The presenters will share detailed examples from their own clinical sites to illustrate data-driven program development and clinician training.
11:30 AM – 1 PM
Lunch on Own
1 – 2:30 PM
TRACK: Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce, CCBHC
Chronic Relapse Prevention
The purpose of this workshop is to explore the challenges of working with people who tend to relapse. The discussion will include the professional’s attitude and beliefs about relapse.
TRACK: Trauma | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Toxic Stress in the Workplace
This session will provide education on how toxic stress and trauma impact the brain and nervous system through the lens of the polyvagal theory. It will explore the various aspects of professional quality of life and discuss actions that can be taken by the organization and individuals to mitigate the effects of toxic stress.
TRACK: Suicide | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Learning from Lived Experience: Stories of Survivors of Suicide Attempts
Every year, over one million people make a suicide attempt in the United States. Suicide is a stigmatized phenomenon in society that many people do not understand. There are many things that lead people to think about suicide. In this panel discussion, four survivors of suicide attempt share their perspectives on postvention supports and what strategies helped them most in their experiences with suicide.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Listening to the Community via the Delphi Method
Mental health care availability is an issue for rural people both nationally and internationally. The Delphi method is used to increase the voice and to identify the needs of a community. The content will educate participants through discussion on the use of the Delphi method along with ethical considerations.
2:30 – 3 PM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
3 – 4:30 PM
TRACK: Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Trauma and Addiction
This training explores the impact of trauma and how to screen for it. We will focus on helping people describe the adaptive aspects of their behavior/ thoughts/feelings related to trauma. The speaker will also discuss how to evaluate the potential for re-traumatization inherent in their treatment strategies, program procedures, and organizational policies, as well as improve clients’ sense of efficacy.
TRACK: Trauma | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Person-Centered Trauma Informed Care and Opioid Use/Misuse Considerations for Older Adults
This session reviews key reminders for working with trauma and why it’s critical to understand the relationship between trauma and older adults. A review of the key components of person-centered trauma informed care (PCTI) will be covered, especially considerations for the older adult population. A summary of the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) Aging Services Coordination (ASC) office programs, initiatives and resources will be highlighted, as well as outcomes from ASC’s three-year project with the Texas Targeted Opioid Response (TTOR). Information specific to addressing opioid use and misuse for older adults will be highlighted, as well as helpful resources specific to assisting older adults and their families.
TRACK: Peer-Support Services | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Workforce
The Dream Team: Clinicians and Peers Panel Discussion
Evidence shows that lack of understanding and support between peers and clinicians do injustice to and are a disservice in the field of behavioral and mental health treatment. This “gap” prevents a collaborative team, person centered approach toward recovery. This panel will give helpful tips on how peers and clinicians can work effectively together, leading to better outcomes for clients & participants. Peers will understand the clinician’s elements of practice while clinicians will understand the peer-to-peer approach. Both will be able to offer new insights, awareness, skills, and tools. This “Dream Team” collaboration results in both valuing each other’s contributions and supporting one another more effectively, which will create better recovery outcomes for those we serve in the community.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Charting Safe Passage of Your Improvement Projects via A3 Framework
Students will learn how lean thinking will help your process improvement project and look for and reduce waste. This self-guided easy-to-follow eight-step A3 framework is specifically designed for HHSC staff. Tools include background, and problem statements, as well as how to create simple goals or targets, root causes, and how to implement and sustain countermeasures and changes. All are designed to help plot a safe passage for you and your project as you begin and lead your process improvement journey.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
8:30 – 9:30 AM
TRACK: Prevention | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Unseen Perils: Emerging Products Targeted Toward Youth
Supersized alcopops are ready-to-drink flavored alcoholic beverages with high alcohol content that are disproportionately consumed by underage drinkers. There can be up to 5.5 standard alcoholic drinks in a single 24 ounce can, so consuming only one can of supersized alcopop is considered binge drinking, and consuming two cans can cause alcohol poisoning. Additionally, cannabis-infused beverages and other products are an industry growing so rapidly that this new market is expected to reach over $2 billion in annual sales by 2026. These growing products remain under-regulated and are becoming more readily available to youth. Attend this session to learn more about the growing products being targeted toward young people.
TRACK: Workforce | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services
The Real, Real
This session focuses on advancing human services work to support the well-being of low-income communities. We will explore the impacts of social media on American societies process of reasoning, and the shift in how employees view work on mental health and service delivery systems.
9:30 – 9:45 AM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
9:45 – 11:15 AM
TRACK: Prevention | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Youth at Risk: Exploring Surging Market Changes in Youth-Focused Products
The landscape around cannabis products continues to shift drastically. The 2018 Farm Bill and 2019 Texas Hemp Bill have reshaped the market largely due to the diverse range of “legal” psychoactive cannabis products that have emerged as a result of loopholes in the laws. Now shops proliferate across the state selling impairing products with youth friendly packaging, marketing, and flavors. Attend this session to discover alarming details about existing and emerging products, marketing tactics for Delta-8THC and other similar products, and the loopholes that allow their sale. Attendees will also see examples of these products in the Texas marketplace and learn about the associated public health and safety concerns – especially for youth – and how to protect your community.
TRACK: Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Harm Reduction in Texas: State-led Initiatives During and Post COVID-19
Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Texas received funds from the federal government to support programs to assist in COVID-19 pandemic response and resource delivery. Outreach, Screening, Assessment, and Referral (OSAR) providers in Texas were awarded funds for Recovery Source Supplies Distribution by HHSC for fiscal years 22-23, to meet one-time needs directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic and were identified as mitigation efforts towards barriers in receiving intervention, treatment, or maintaining recovery from substance misuse or a substance use disorder. All OSARs were required to implement an innovative and impactful supplies distribution program through collaboration with partners and organizations and in outreach to community members and potential and existing clients and expand virtual service delivery services to comply with state-guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. This program surpassed the set goal to be met after both fiscal years, of 120,000 supplies to be distributed. In FY22 alone, OSARs distributed over 370,000 resources, and in FY23, over 190,000 resources. Supplies distributed included overdose prevention kits (including naloxone), hygiene kits, COVID-19 tests, cleaning supplies, and more. During this project, the main distributor of naloxone in Texas had to temporarily pause their program operations. The OSARs were able to provide naloxone for individuals and organizations across the state in the absence of the program. This project served as a proxy for the request by HHSC staff to implement the OSAR Harm Reduction Program, which is currently in effect for FY24 and FY25.
TRACK: Workforce (Ethics) | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Does It Ever Get Easier?: An Analysis of Posttraumatic Growth (Part 1)
A plethora of research has focused on the impact that traumatic events have on an individual’s psychological health, and how these individuals’ lives have changed as a result of the event. This training addresses recent literature in this area, as well as how assessment tools can be utilized to determine which factors (if any) are existent within the individual who experienced the trauma. Further, this training encourages participants to be cognizant of how certain phrases (i.e., things will get easier) may negatively impact individuals who have experienced a traumatic stressor. By attending this session, the attendee will be able to gain skills in how to better treat individuals who experience a traumatic loss.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Getting Started: Engaging and Sustaining Relationships with Primary Care
In April 2022, the National Council on Wellbeing released the Comprehensive Healthcare Integration (CHI) Framework, a new framework for guiding the implementation of integration of physical health (PH) and behavioral health (BH) (mental health and substance use conditions). During this session, we will identify specific strategies that can be implemented when adding primary care to behavioral health.
11:30 AM – 1 PM
Lunch on Own
1 – 2:30 PM
TRACK: Prevention | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Environmental Prevention Strategies and Strategic Coalition Planning to Drive Results
Participants will learn the who, what, why, and how of evidence-based environmental prevention strategies and the importance of strategically selecting strategies to achieve prevention goals. This training will include ways to collect data to assess a community so that coalitions can identify and select data-driven, evidence-based strategies that tie to achieving prevention goals. Examples will be provided to help guide participants through the process. The session will on how strategic planning should connect to data-driven problems and solutions that drive results. Participants will learn about selecting strategies that bring about change and have a lasting impact on the effectiveness of coalitions and health and safety of communities.
TRACK: Suicide | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Trauma, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
AS + K About Suicide to Save a Life (Part 1)
In 2021, 48,152 people in the United States died by suicide; 4,191 of these individuals were from Texas. In that same year, an estimated 1.2 million Americans attempted suicide. Suicide is currently the eleventh leading cause of death in Texas and is the second leading cause for ages 10-29. On average, one person dies by suicide every two hours in Texas. Therefore, it is critical we all learn how to help someone who may be thinking about suicide. AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life is an evidence-based suicide prevention gatekeeper training for anyone who may interact with youth or adults at risk for suicide and is similar to mental health CPR. It provides attendees with the most updated epidemiology of suicide and suicidal behavior, including risk and protective factors. Participants learn how to recognize warning signs – behaviors and characteristics that might indicate an elevated risk for suicide – and intervene with a person who they think might be at risk for suicide. The training allows the attendees to practice asking someone about suicidal thoughts, feelings, and intentions. It also teaches how to gather more information about a person’s suicidal risk and take appropriate action consistent with the risk level. Finally, participants learn the importance of means safety during the time in which the individual at risk is in crisis. To date, over 18,000 people have been trained across Texas. Preventing suicide should be everyone’s business and as such, we can all learn how to play this life-saving role.
TRACK: Workforce (Ethics) | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Does It Ever Get Easier?: An Analysis of Posttraumatic Growth (Part 2)
A plethora of research has focused on the impact that traumatic events have on an individual’s psychological health, and how these individuals’ lives have changed as a result of the event. This training addresses recent literature in this area, as well as how assessment tools can be utilized to determine which factors (if any) are existent within the individual who experienced the trauma. Further, this training encourages participants to be cognizant of how certain phrases (i.e., things will get easier) may negatively impact individuals who have experienced a traumatic stressor. By attending this session, the attendee will be able to gain skills in how to better treat individuals who experience a traumatic loss.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Pharmacologic SUD Treatment for Patients with Co-Occurring Disorders
Persons with substance use disorders frequently have other co-occurring mental health disorders, which can complicate treatment and impact prognosis. Studies have shown integrated treatment of both SUD and co-occurring disorders provides the best opportunity for sustained recovery. This session will explore the latest in evidence-based pharmacologic treatment of substance use disorders in persons with co-occurring mental health disorders, with a focus on the integrated care and chronic disease management models.
2:30 – 3 PM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
3 – 4:30 PM
TRACK: Prevention | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Using Data to Tell a Story and Advance Prevention Goals
Data storytelling is the ability to effectively communicate insights from a dataset using narratives and visualizations that a layperson can understand. The general public doesn’t speak in “needs assessment” language, so it is important to put data insights into context for and inspire action from your audience. During this training, participants will learn about the importance of effectively communicating issues with your prevention goal and audience in mind. Effective data storytelling also helps cultivate relationships for building coalition capacity and achieving prevention goals. The presentation covers key data points related to alcohol, marijuana, prescription drugs, and tobacco. Additionally, the training provides tools for identifying “aha” data points and communicating them in effective, engaging ways.
TRACK: Suicide | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Trauma, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
AS + K About Suicide to Save a Life (Part 2)
The training allows the attendees to practice asking someone about suicidal thoughts, feelings, and intentions. It also teaches how to gather more information about a person’s suicidal risk and take appropriate action consistent with the risk level. Finally, participants learn the importance of means safety during the time in which the individual at risk is in crisis. To date, over 18,000 people have been trained across Texas. Preventing suicide should be everyone’s business and as such, we can all learn how to play this life-saving role.
TRACK: Workforce | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, CCBHC
Addressing Recruitment and Retention Workforce Issues Panel
The United States is facing a significant shortage of mental health and substance use professionals. Additionally, the behavioral health care workforce suffers from a lack of diversity. Many individuals have limited access to mental health care and the COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified the demand for these essential services. In an increasingly competitive job market, higher value is placed on a workforce culture that promotes a positive, supportive, and flexible work environment. This includes addressing psychological and physical safety, work-life balance, emotional well-being, opportunities for professional growth.
These factors are critically necessary in the work of behavioral health professionals. This session features a panel of leaders that are implementing multifaceted workforce development strategies. The panel will share strategies focused on peers, building a diverse workforce, and how to support team wellness.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Understanding Current Clinical Trends in Veteran Services
Join us for a workshop exploring best clinical practice trends in veteran services. Learn about different approaches, best practices, and emerging therapies to better support our veterans’ mental health and well-being. Gain valuable insights to enhance your practice and make a positive impact in the lives of those who served.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
8:30 – 9:30 AM
TRACK: Prevention/Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences – ACEs 201
The purpose of this presentation is to provide resources on how to address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their impact on behavioral health. We will define ACEs, describe their prevalence in Texas, and provide resources on how to reduce the impact of ACEs on behavioral health.
TRACK: Prevention/Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Know Your Neuro: Brain-Based Prevention and Treatment Tools
Based Prevention & Treatment Tools describes clinical and prevention-science tools for use in schools, parent classes, treatment settings, and coaching sessions. Know Your Neuro elucidates how substances, high-risk behavior, and mental health problems affect healthy neurodevelopment, the role of genetics, the effect of environment, and implications for prevention and treatment. Assessment, treatment, prevention, family-of-origin, and group tools will be included. The presenter will teach clinicians and recovery coaches how to teach the neuroscience of high-risk behavior to students, families, and utilize the information as a multi-tiered system of support in schools and clinical settings.
9:30 – 9:45 AM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
9:45 – 11:15 AM
TRACK: Prevention | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Know Your Neuro: Prevention Program Implementation
Participants will receive implementation training for the online prevention program KnowYourNeuro.org. School counselors and clinicians who work with students in grades K-12 will learn how to consistently apply brain-based prevention programming throughout a schoolyear for maximum benefit to students. Family and staff programming will also be discussed.
TRACK: Peer Support Services | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Workforce
It Takes a Village: Peer Support for Pregnant and Parenting Individuals
As the peer workforce continues to grow in Texas, it is important to increase awareness around the various populations our peer workforce encounters. This session will focus on the specific needs and challenges presented by pregnant and parenting individuals in recovery, how peer support services can effectively be tailored to help address these needs and challenges, and the benefits of peer support services for pregnant and parenting individuals in recovery.
TRACK: Workforce | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services
SimpLead: How to Drive the Bus with the Right Passengers
This interactive presentation will assist those in leadership positions to discover their personality, find a way to share it with their staff, and will discuss the importance of hiring the right people, firing the wrong people, training the best people, communicating effectively, and servant leadership.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Innovations in Care Coordination
This session will provide a structure for using the Community Needs Assessment to build a care coordination program. It will then move into how participants can continue to develop their care coordination program using continuous quality improvement and ongoing updates to needs assessment with data coming from your CCBHC as well as your partners.
11:30 AM – 1 PM
Lunch on Own
1 – 2:30 PM
TRACK: Prevention | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Understanding Substance Use Trends in Texas
Texas is experiencing high rates of substance use disorders, opioid overdose deaths, and excessive alcohol consumption. The state’s drug overdose deaths increased more than 75 percent during the past five years. In 2021, the drug overdose death rate was 15.8 deaths per 100,000 residents. This presentation will discuss national, state, and local trends in substance use and associated harms.
TRACK: Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Sharing Stories: Voices of Those with Lived Experiences
People with lived experience will provide personal input on crucial issues and challenges impacting them on a daily basis. The goal of this panel is to provide an opportunity for people with lived experiences to help educate attendees on how communities can better meet their needs. Obtaining feedback and input from those with lived experience can help deepen levels of involvement, independence, and effectiveness. Panelists will share their story and what they are doing currently to demonstrate what recovery means to them. Panelists will also respond to questions from attendees related to the recovery process, the impact of trauma on recovery, post-traumatic growth, dealing with stigma, harm reduction, and what they’d like behavioral health practitioners to consider in supporting recovery.
TRACK: Peer Support Services | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Workforce
Developing Youth Leaders in an Alternative Peer Group
This presentation will dive into developing leaders in a Youth APG, while being open-minded to their individual recovery pathways. The goal is to provide a foundation for youth programs to create their own Youth Leadership groups, while maintaining inclusiveness and open-mindedness. A successful youth program empowers its current leaders to cultivate future leaders within the program.
TRACK: Workforce | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Real Rural: Operating Stigma Healthcare in a Rural Setting
This interactive presentation will allow participants to hear the plight of those working in rural healthcare, specifically, with regard to Opioid Use Disorder/Substance Use Disorder, stigma, and the challenges faced in rural communities. Participants will participate in discussion to obtain a broader perspective.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Legally Authorized Representatives in Mental Health Care: Definitions, Applications, and Best Practices
In the delivery and organization of mental health care, the various forms Legally Authorized Representatives (LAR) can play an important role in facilitating positive outcomes and continuity of care. Among the requirements for providers to get a T-CCBHC certification, they must document advance wishes related to treatment and crisis management or the persons’ decision not to discuss those preferences. T-CCBHCs must also satisfy the requirements of privacy and confidentiality while encouraging communication between people served and their family/caregivers. This workshop will cover the basics of the various forms of LARs, appropriate usage of LARS, and best practices to encourage communication while respecting privacy and confidentiality.
2:30 – 3 PM
Time with Exhibitors and Posters
3 – 4:30 PM
TRACK: Prevention/Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
You’re the Cure for HIV and STIs – Part 1
Education on HIV/STIs is important to everyone who is sexually active because it helps everyone stay healthy. HIV has been around since the 1980s and it is still here. However, it’s very different today than how it was over 40 years ago and people are living healthier and longer lives while living with HIV. This session will cover what HIV is like today, including a brief overview of how HIV treatment is being used as prevention. Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U). The presenter will go over Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP).
TRACK: Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Successfully Implementing SUD C&A into an Integrated Model
There is a growing epidemic across the nation affecting youth and substance abuse. In an effort to make a larger impact, Metrocare expanded services to youth needing education, treatment, and family support to combat this epidemic. In 2023, Metrocare successfully implemented Youth SUD Services into their service delivery, while ensuring there is successful integration of care amongst all outpatient services.
TRACK: Peer Support Services | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Workforce
Youth and Young Adult Peer Support
This session will focus on the provision of peer support services for youth and young adults in recovery. Through this presentation, the speakers will identify the specific challenges and needs for youth and young adults in recovery and highlight how peer support can be used as an effective, evidence-based practice to address these needs and challenges.
TRACK: Workforce | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Workforce
How to Modernize Sustainability/ Funding for Community Behavioral Health
The way community behavioral health is funded has brought our system to a breaking point. Despite government support, record workforce shortages persist – largely due to unsustainable funding models and an inability to provide competitive compensation to professionals. Without staff, providers cannot deliver care. Community behavioral health agencies are making organizational shifts to cope with limited capacity, and even turning away those seeking services at alarming rates.
The downstream effects are monumental: generational impacts on adults and children who can’t access mental health and substance use disorder treatment when they need it most; and the destabilization of our safety net, including additional burdens on law enforcement, medical providers and other community partners when individuals’ unmet needs escalate and become more costly. This panel will discuss the need to sustainably fund community behavioral healthcare in the long term.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Person-Centered and Systems-Focused: A Delicate Balance for CCBHC Best Practices in Care Coordination
In this 90-minute interactive session, participants will dive into a longstanding challenge of behavioral health service provision – care coordination. Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC) staff often feel torn between focusing on the person-centered, relational work of supporting people and the necessary but time-consuming navigation of a constantly changing network of programs and services. And, agency leaders face a parallel tension of being human-centered vs. system-focused, as they champion recovery work and the well-being of employees, while also attending to the demands of the agency (i.e., policies, procedures, regulatory requirements, fiscal responsibilities). Attendees can expect conversations and examples that describe in more detail some of these common scenarios and will be invited to share stories that allow us to quickly gather lessons learned from around the state.
Friday, July 26, 2024
8:30 – 10 AM
TRACK: Workforce | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Peer-Support Services, CCBHC
Thrive By Design
“Thrive by Design,” is workshop a that will guide you through the process of behavior design to establish key daily habits to support YOUR personal well-being goals.
In this engaging session, participants will engage in building practical strategies exercises grounded in the behavior change research. Discover the power of intentional habit building and learn how small, deliberate changes can lead to big improvements in your well-being.
10 – 10:15 AM
10:15 – 11:45 AM
TRACK: Prevention/Treatment | Also Covers Following Tracks: Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
You’re the Cure for HIV and STIs (Part 2)
This session will continue the discussion on other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) from Thursday. The speaker will discuss stigma on HIV/STIs along with current data on the state of Texas. Community resources to test and treat teenagers, young adults, and adults will also be provided.
TRACK: Prevention | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Identification and Response to Human Trafficking in Healthcare
In the United States, the primary forms of trafficking are labor and sex trafficking. Healthcare providers are uniquely poised to prevent, identify, and respond to human trafficking as it presents in the healthcare environment. Up to 87 percent of human trafficking survivors report passing through the medical system without being identified during their trafficking experience. This presentation equips healthcare providers with the tools needed to recognize human trafficking in the healthcare environment and respond appropriately.
TRACK: Workforce (Ethics) | Also Covers Following Tracks: Treatment, Trauma, Peer-Support Services
Ethics and Interventions with Substance Use Disorders: How to Navigate Ethical Dilemmas
This presentation demonstrates the ethical complexities inherent in social work interventions with individuals experiencing substance use disorders (SUD). Drawing on the professional Code of Ethics, CLAS Standards of cultural competence, and SUD laws of confidentiality, the presentation provides a comprehensive framework for ethical, trauma-informed practice.
This presentation will provide case examples of ethical dilemmas and provide a framework for ethical decision-making using the NADAAC model. We will also present ethical dilemmas of harm reduction practices.
The presentation will explain medicated assisted treatment (MAT) and address when or if that should be a consideration when CPS is involved in determination of custody. We will discuss ethical considerations of what is and is not reportable to CPS. We will explore the special conditions of confidentiality with SUD and the exceptions to confidentiality.
Throughout the presentation, emphasis is placed on the importance of ongoing education, supervision, and consultation to support ethical decision-making in social work practice. By integrating ethical principles, cultural competence, confidentiality safeguards, trauma-informed care, and evidenced-based interventions, social workers can effectively support individuals living with substance use disorders on their recovery journey while upholding the highest standards of ethical practice.
TRACK: CCBHC | Also Covers Following Tracks: Prevention, Treatment, Trauma, Peer-Support Services, Workforce
Person-First Language as a Person-Centered Practice
An overview of person-first language, why it is important, and how it is used in context.